Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best decision of my life!

Yes, it was and always will be the best decision of my life- That we had Ellison, our adoptive daughter first. A calculated move- and a good one. The desire to be a parent weighed first and foremost on my mind. If my future was so uncertain with In Vitro Fertilization and procedures like I.U.I., I knew that I wanted to already have a child in place- I knew that for me mentally- any failure of I.V.F. could always be overcome with the sheer joy of having a child already. Because I knew, that no matter what, I would always be able to count my blessings. And for sure- first and foremost I am able to smile because I am the proud parent of a chosen child of my heart- who consumes my being - as to ,the incredible joy I feel being her mom. When going through such difficult times as being an infertile couple- you feel many things- one of them said best- by someone else on another post- "you feel defective".
You grow up thinking - first comes love, and then comes marriage- and then comes the baby carriage. When some part of that equation all goes up in smoke- you are left with the pieces - trying to put the puzzle back together again. It is no easy journey- what makes it more painful is watching my sisters, and friends, and Sister-in-laws all have successful pregnancy's one right after the other. That is a lot of showers, and reminders. Then time ticks..... The truth is, that, at no time have I ever wished them ,or felt anything for them, but a desire for their lives to be happy. I just feel sometimes- like a person on the sidelines that wants to play the game. Having Ellison has made me a mommy- and mothers day a few days ago- was superb! Thank God - I have the privilege of being a mom! Having her- has taken me off the sidelines. She has made my life so full. I so want our home to include another child and that is why we have followed up with - now our second- In Vitro procedure. I leave for India in 3 weeks. I can't believe time is ticking so fast. Then... and now....

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly, I love the way you word things - the analogy of being on the sidelines, and the feelings you have felt when others have celebrated what your heart has desired. I too am so glad that it worked out for you all to have Ellison, and then embark on this invitro journey...you are an inspiration to many with your perseverance and determination. What a story this will be.... with love, Babita
