Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rights of passage.

Great! I have recovered my composure from last year. Ellison had her first graduation last year- so to speak- I mean, she ended her school year at Montessori with several graduates and was part of a wonderful small ceremony that her teacher put together. I remember, that, last year I spent the whole ceremony trying to stay composed as my brain worked laboriously to keep a dam from breaking out of my eyes- I was so moved by the fact that I was attending one of those experiences with my child- me!
Now that I think about it- must of been the IVF drugs- I don't know, but this year, at todays graduation ceremony- I only had a small welling and more because of the older kids, especially - as I looked at Sara and Miss Sandy, whom Ellison had now gone to school with for two years. Her right of passage (Sara's) at the ripe old age of six, she was getting ready to leave the class and head to first grade. I was as proud as if she were my own. And so I did have some welling, knowing that her teacher would miss her too. I will miss her in school next year, the school that Ellison will continue at. I was feeling greatly relieved that I didn't have all that emotion lurking in my brain- I didn't want to spend any time, this year, stemming the tide. I sat there today, so much in love with my daughter, and proud of her new found containment of her silliness, and as always enjoyed her contagious joyfulness- still being expressed. Ellison was singing the same songs and showing what another full year in school will do for maturity. She has come a long way this year, and is starting to read some words. Sara read for us and is an accomplished reader. Thanks to Miss Sandy I can count on this school to form a nice base for Ellison to flourish from. I feel really good that she is in a safe, and great learning environment.
One of our parents Erika, put some wonderful thought and time in creating a great cd of photo's she collected from all of us, with music and text- it was a nice send off to the year. I look forward to another year with her and her daughter. I know Ellison is in the right place, evidenced by her teachers time and dedication to her students. The parents and students are wonderful. It is nice to be part of such a giving, kind group of people.
I am so glad to be involved with my daughter's rights of passage - another hallmark in time. And I lament the growing up part and savor these moments. Boo hoo- gonna miss this, and those that move on.....

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