Monday, June 14, 2010

Dr. Visits.

Some of this is a bit blurry by now- as some days have passed- I have already been here a week, but I am trying to back date my time here in effort to keep it chronological. I met with the Dr. again on Wednesday. I had the "scan" and had my first shot in the butt. Owhh! I received instruction for all medication that I would be receiving during the following days. I would be self administering all of it. Everything is a shot. I even had a picture taken of me with Dr. Malpani. I told him I had a blog. They also informed me that the medication would be more than I thought. This was partly okay with me - but I did have an early agreement to keep $1000. 00 or under. I didn't push this too much when it came to around $1268.00/60,000 rupees. He had sorta given me the idea , when he said he wanted to"up" my medication. I was somewhat prepared for the increase.
I however wasn't prepared for the following conversation, when they wanted to have me pay $ 4000.00 instead of the agreed- written agreement, of $3500.00 for the procedure with Icsi. I balked. I am meant to pay on the 10th day of this cycle, which is still all good, but I haven't been able to talk to the Dr. yet, about my disagreement with the increased price. I was asked, and so I handed my copy of our e-mail discussions to the nurse, so that she could show him, and remind him that I had been grandfathered in to the old price, not the newer price-which had only been in effect for a few weeks. The Dr. remained behind closed doors. I am hoping that this doesn't come to a huge confrontation. I was surprised that I had to provide proof of my case. I expected them to honor it without any issue. Especially since I had already cleared this issue before coming. The lack of memory as to the issue seemed sketchy to me. We will see how this turns out. Hopefully to a good conclusion- or I will have a bitter feeling inside. Similar to what I discussed with the Dr. before. It is difficult to stand up for yourself when you feel that your future is so bound in someone's hands. I have heard of cooks spitting in your food, because you dared complain. I feel that complaining about the price and demanding my just cause, could taint the Dr's good will towards me, and I don't want that to happen. So we shall soon see how this will all turn out. I came to the Dr. this week , on Monday and Wednesday, and again on Thursday for some medication that I thought they had not packed. It turned out that I already had the dosage supply in hand from the first day. They had not erred, except to not understand my early communication- when I asked if the medication was just for two days. A simple miscommunication between us. It was too bad though- as it caused an extra cab ride- of about $32.00 extra dollars. But I made the most of it, stopping to shop in two markets on the way back home. I did well ,and have pictures of my excursions. My Christmas and Birthday shopping is well underway and almost complete. I have now been shopping 2 times by cab. I have also shopped when finally venturing from my hotel by foot on my own.
The nurses especially Lissy were very funny as we discussed the Luprilide dosages- she was under the impression that I had used up a complete months dosage in two days. She kept making me repeat showing her on the syringe measure- where I had brought the plunger to. She was wide eyed thinking I might have taken so much in my system. I assured her that I hadn't, and promised that I had only taken .2 ml. We were all amused as we tried so hard to share our thoughts, there was always a feeling of celebration when we communicated with any understanding on both our parts. It was comical. And fun.
After the last Dr's appointment I have had nothing but complaints- Ill health, a very sore butt-from shots. my back went out, the thought of food makes me nauseous, and my breasts are sore anyway (so much for skipping out on caffeine), my stomach bloated and my ovaries hyper swollen causing pain, very little sleep and it has been like this every day. Too many days are rolling in to each other now- not much progress and little joy- I wish it were different. This is the way it has to be, unfortunately.

My biggest joy has been reports of Ellison from my sister. Which have been so entertaining, and brings her back close in mind and heart. I have had many heartwarming Facebook supporters, and some blog support from friends and family. It has kept me going. My body has been suffering so much. I have been whining since I got here. I sobbed for a moment yesterday because I feel so helpless to change how I feel. Nobody can know, but you...... The human condition.....lives on!


  1. Wow. Another great update. I can't believe you have to shoot yourself in the butt. Um. I've never given myself a shot. I wonder what that is like. Maybe it is like on a rubber band so it kinda snaps the needle into you. That would make things easier. Rather than having to stab yourself and hope for the best. Holy crap. Okay I'm going to stop talking about this.

    What is the relationship between caffeine and sore body parts?

    I am so sorry to see that things are so rough right now.

  2. "Don't let the turkeys get you down!"

    Thinking of you and sending warm hugs to surround you.


  3. Kimberly,

    It's ok to cry.... a lot! You are under a lot of stress. Only strong women can do what you are doing. I did not have the courage you do... so believe it or not, I am a bit jealous!

    You are loved and supported...even from afar!

