Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My Dr. appointment yesterday went very well. I was very sleepy and had to wait the longest yet. I hadn't slept in almost 24 hours straight- as per usual. I felt very much like I was floating. I was amazed this time by the amount of people in the two offices. I took a seat, to one corner of a couch, and a lady came up to me- directly standing above me - and very close- she had some expectation of me that I didn't understand- but it was clear in her body language and gaze that she wanted something of me. I was sitting next to a couple with about 16 " of space between us. She forced her way between us, giving the man some inches of clearance, while pushing up against me very hard. I remembered than , that the Indian people don't have much use for personal space, and aren't aware of what that even means. I was very uncomfortable- but luckily got called in to the other office pretty quickly. Soon the Dr. was ready to meet with me and do my scan. I was very curious about what my results would be. He called out from the other side of the curtain, "How many eggs do you think you will have?" I called back "I think I will have between 12-14 that would be a good result for me." He entered and started the ultrasound- He asked me what were the black round circles that were popping up on the screen. "uh, eggs"- He said: " Well yes but they are follicles." (I was thinking yes, of course- that is what I should have said, because I knew that) He than pointed to a thin line. "What is this?" I said uh, that would be my endometrial stripe." "Very good! He said "You are an educated patient, not many know that"
I beamed. He started counting all the black circles on each of my ovaries , he announced "fourteen" I was so happy. I knew that that was a great number. "you know that will go down" I said "yes, they will reduce and reduce, but I am thinking that is a good place to start" He agreed and I could tell he was really happy with the result. He decided to keep me on the same dosage etc... for the next couple of days. I was expected to come in for one more "scan" in two days. His plan was to trigger me the next day ,with a shot, which he decided I could do- on my own. This would occur on Friday. Triggering with an Hcg gives my ovaries permission to finish ripening and to release in 36 hours from that time. I was lucky that David and I had picked the date David was coming in- because it was working out to be very crucial that David arrive on the 19th- any later and the cycle would be dead in the water. Now I just pray David gets here on time with no issues. I am really hoping we don't have any more volcanic action going on, since David will be flying through Paris. Now my hope is shining as things are going well. I left the clinic in good spirits. I received both daily shots before I left, and was happy not to have to do them myself that day.
There would be no shopping this time- I again was running on fumes. I asked to be taken to the hotel straight away. When I got in, I was feeling very green around the gills. I wanted to desperately to just go up to my room and sleep. I forced my way to the restaurant to make sure I downed a good meal before sleeping. I sat down, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with feeling nauseous- I was dry heaving in the restaurant and feeling like a spectacle, luckily no one noticed. I ate a grilled salmon and staggered up to my room to catch some shut eye. I was very happy to be sleeping at night Indian time. I was hoping the schedule would last. I had tried it this way a couple of times. Forcing myself to not sleep during the day so I could sleep at night. But it always seemed to backfire on me- I would end up going 36 hours and sleep during the day. I really have felt awful this trip. The one thing that amazed me- was waking up ,to no back ache today. I mean it completely has gone. The massages must have worked- Amazing! The last time I had this pain it took a chiropractor 12 weeks to solve. I even gave up and stopped going because I didn't think it was working after all. My back resolved a few weeks later. I have only been pain free for about 8 months., until this trip, and now it was worse than ever. I am feeling more human today- but.. I still have a lot of issues. When one resolves, something else comes up. Like today I have felt like something strange in my lungs in to my throat. Like Histamine. I feel like I have vicks vapor rub inside my throat and lungs. I also feel very floaty, like things are a little surreal. I also have a pretty good case of diarrhea, and cramps. Along with the usual assortment of complaints. I have to say, I am feeling the best so far today of any day even with all these complaints. I think it is because I am being buoyed by the feel good endorphins of good results yesterday.
So my follicles contain an egg each. Tomorrow will tell if I happen to have any more coming along, that may have been missed. I am signing out to start preparations to take todays daily shots. I am glad several of you are following along- Your comments and e-mails mean so much. They also help buoy my spirits in this endeavor. Most of you are sleeping soundly- sweet dreams!


  1. I like how you knew what your endrometrial stripe looks like. I don't even know what that is. I will learn one day! Dear God, please let Dave get there on time!!!!! So happy that your backache is gone. How is Indian grilled salmon? Was it weird? Was it delicious? How was it prepared?

    Dang, I am believing for great things. I am happy about all these updates. Come on, miracles!!!!

  2. Been there- done all this so I can really empathize with how CRAPPY you are truly feeling... Being alone through this must be extremely trying and diffucult but David will be there in just 3 days! I am writing on Wed. here. I cannot sign up to be a follower?? (weird) but I truly hope you know you are being thought of and prayed for every single day and every step of the way! I hope each person reading understands how the gift of life is so truly beyind miraculous and NEVER takes it for granted! On fussy, hard days with your kids REMEMBER there are many who go thru _ _ _ _ trying to attain what comes so easily to others. LOVE YOU DEAR KIMBERLY!!!

  3. Have you mastered Suduko yet on your Nook? That can help pass the time for you!

    Dave will get there on time... no doubt about it. And when you see him, USE his strength. You are a team, and let him take care of you.

    Love, Carrie
